Calendar Administration |
for Calendar: Scholar_Visits |
Display Settings | Customize how your calendar appears |
General Settings | Specify calendar's language, options, and description |
Title, Header, Footer | Specify the title, header, footer, and background image |
Event Edit Form | Specify defaults and options for creating new events |
Custom Fields | Define your own custom data fields for events |
Templates | Define custom output templates |
Colors | Change colors |
Fonts | Change fonts |
CSS | Specify external or inline styles |
Categories | Specify event categories |
Time Periods | Define pre-set time periods |
Include other Calendars | Dynamically include events from other calendars |
Add-Ins | Include events from external calendars - e.g. iCalendar from Apple's iCal, or Google calendar |
RSS Feed | Enable/Disable/Configure RSS Feed |
Security | Specify who can view, edit, or administer the calendar |
Email Settings | Settings for mail sent from this calendar |
Email Subscriptions | Manage email subscriptions |
Auditing | Specify which operations to keep a record of, and how to do it |
Import Events | Create new events from an ASCII file |
Export Events | Export event data to ASCII |
Delete Events | Remove all events in a specified date range |
Return to the Calendar | Home |