Calendar Administration
for Calendar: Scholar_Visits
Email Settings

Mail Format:
"From" Address:
Signature Text:
"Subject" Lines
New Event:
Event Modified:
Event Notification Mail
"Add Event" link: Include a link to add the event to the recipient's default Calcium calendar?
iCalendar attachment: Include an iCalendar attachment? This allows users to easily add an event to their desktop calendar, like Microsoft Outlook or Apple's iCal


You can use special strings in the Subject lines to automatically insert information specific to the event.

String Produces
$text the event Text
$date the event Date
$category the event Category
$user the event User

So, a "New Event" subject line specified as "Event Added: $text, on $date" might produce a subject line like: "Event Added: Important Meeting, on Saturday, March 19 2005"