First day of Week: | |
Time Format: | |
Default Display: | Style: |
| Amount: |
| Year View: |
Navigation Bars: | |
Weekend Days: |
| You can have Block and List views display only Monday - Friday |
Week Numbers: |
| The first week of the year: |
Block View "Tails": |
| For events from the start or end of bordering months in the Block Month view |
HTML in Events: |
| ? |
Event Sorting: | Sort first by: | then by: | then by: |
Event Tag Display: | |
Event Popup Window: | |
"Select Calendar" Popup: | Width: |
| | Height: |
Event Add/Edit Popup: | Width: |
| | Height: |
Email Selector Popup: | Width: |
| | Height: |
List View Columns: |
| In List and Condensed views, width of the"Popup Text" column |
Time Plan Hours: | Number of hours to display: |
| Start Hour: |
| Block Size: |
| Controls Menu: |
Time Plan - Event Times: |
| In the Time Plan view, show event times above event text? |
Menu Bars to Display: | |
Menu Bar Items to Display: | Home link: |
| Planner link: |
| Fiscal links: |
Menu Bar Location: |
Display menus above or below the calendar? |
Planner View: |
| Whether or not to display the main including calendar in the Planner views. |
Fiscal Year: | Type: |
| Start of year: |
| ? |